Monday, October 24, 2011

Steel Ball Run chapter 84

To all the people who read Steel Ball Run: JoJo Project would like to announce the release of the latest English chapter, Chapter 84. With this chapter, we finish volume 21.

We don't have any fancy kind of hype blurb this time. We believe that this chapter needs to stand by itself.


Previous chapters are at, and you can check on our status at our new blog (shizukajoestar on tumblr) or at

We hope to have v22 in a convenient block ready for you as soon as possible! We can actually get things done faster overall by doing volume releases, as we discovered on v21, and we suspect it might cut down on some of the spoiler problems.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Steel Ball Run Chapter 83

Wow! It's only been a few days since we released 82, but can you believe it?! We're at 83 now! Welp, Shizu wrote up a nice little blurb, and I suck at summarizing, so let's not let that go to waste~
We're cranking up the speed and it feels so good! Welcome to the first chapter of Ball Breaker. We're still fighting D4C, but at least the chapter isn't CALLED "D4C" anymore! This arc is going to continue on into the next volume.

What more can I say about what's going on? Gyro and Johnny are definitely in a big pinch right about now! With all the variables ramping up intensity, what on earth can happen next? (A bunch of crazy shit, that's what's going to happen next.)

So, here are the links! Enjoy this first chapter of Ball Breaker!
Monday, October 10, 2011

Steel Ball Run chapter 80!

It's been a little longer than we like (haven't we said this way too many times?) but we're moving along at a way faster speed than we have before, and Steel Ball Run chapter 81 is ready to go and on its way! Guess what? Not only are we into volume 21 (!!!!!) BUT! After this we only have one, yes, ONE more chapter in the seemingly never-ending D4C arc! I bet it feels like a breath of fresh air to you all, doesn't it?

As for what's going on in the story... Well, D4C! This chapter marks the reappearance of two things which should be familiar to readers; one familiar to everybody who read SBR and one from... past times?! An old friend and an old enemy, both on the side of our heroes...


And as always, past chapters are at if you missed chapter 80.
